Asociația Andrei

  • Misiune:
  Asociatia  isi propune sa contribuie la dezvoltarea economica, sociala si culturala a societatii civile.

  • Valori:     
Respect, responsabilitate, initiativa, voluntariat, motivatie, sensibilizare, toleranta, nediscriminare.

Domeniu activitate:  Social, cultural, educatie


  • editarea de carti, ziare si difuzarea de pliante, reviste, cataloage, material publicitar menite sa conduca la cunoasterea si raspândirea valorilor culturii nationale si universale;
  • organizarea de tabere de vacanta,  sali de conferinte,  excursii, centre de recreere si alte activitati turistice.
  • desfasurarea de activitati de studiere a pietei si de sondaj, activitati de consultanta pentru afaceri, cursuri profesionale, activitati de evaluare
  • atragerea si utilizarea, in conditiile legii, de surse financiare sub forma de donatii, subventii, contributii, sponsorizari, taxe, cotizatii pentru prestatii si asistenta;
  • desfasurarea de activitati de interes public in domeniile: sanatate publica, protectia consumatorului, mediu, turism, spirit civic, dezvoltare economica si sociala, educatie, cultura, dezvoltare comunitara, drepturile omului,  probleme rurale, egalitate de sanse.
  • sprijinirea autoritatilor in vederea intretinerii si dezvoltarii infrastructurii publice de furnizare a utilitatilor;
  • promovarea schimbului de date, informatii, publicatii, specialisti, cooperarea cu asociatii, organisme similare de profil din tara si strainatate;
  • colaborarea cu institutii guvernamentale si neguvernamentale din tara sau din strainatate, ca si cu autoritati locale, în realizarea scopurilor propuse.
  • dezvoltarea unor activitati economice proprii în vederea autofinantarii
  • desfasurarea de orice alte forme de activitate apreciate ca fiind utile pentru realizarea scopului sau.
  • scrierea de proiecte pentru fonduri nerambursabile

About "Andrei" Association

  "The 'Andrei' Association" is very active in LLP (Lifelong Learning Programme) - Grundtvig and Comenius, YiA (Youth in Actionand works with other association and institution, such as ACLA (Cultural Association of "Marin Sorescu" High School of Arts),  National College "St. Velovan", "Marin Sorescu" High School of Arts, etc.

  From the  beginning the aim of the Andrei Association was to promote EU “Youth in Action” Programme (RO-43-052-2011-R3 as an organizer, GB-43-E2-2012-R1 as a participant) in Romania (in particular in Craiova) in order to encourage european mobility among youngsters.

 Andrei Association promotes intercultural dialogue, social inclusion, equal opportunities, recycling and environmental protection, volunteering activities, the exchange of information, use of Europass tools, human rights, rural issues, entrepreneurship, social and economical development, cultural and educational progress and others

 "The 'Andrei' Association" aims at developing the civil society through its activities.

  So far "The 'Andrei' Association" it has implemented two educational projects in partnership with two high schools in Craiova, "The Marin Sorescu Arts Highschool" and "Stefan Velovan National Highschool": "The computer - A Virtual Partner"(2010 - 2011) and "Communication - Virtual, Plastic And Musical"(2011-2012). This projects wants to develop the computer and artistic skills of the pupils from the two participant high schools. Also, it plans to encourage them to take part in extra-curricular activities, improve their collaboration and sociability and promote dialogue between institutions that are involved in the project.

   Another significant project was the organization of the training course "FLY-Facilitating Learning for Youth" (YiA 4.3) in the period 26.11.2011 – 04.12.2011 with the participation of 24 young people from 15 European countries coordinated by the three successful international trainers.

  Volunteering was not forgotten, among the activities of the association counting participating in National Volunteer Week (14 - 20.06.2012) with three complex projects that have combined art, music and work for the society.